Date: 10 Oct 2014 (2.0.22)
Added the ListSelectionTrades method

The method returns the history of trades on the selection(s) specified.

Date: 21 Jun 2013 (2.0.21)
Changes made to GetEventSubTreeNoSelections, GetEventSubTreeWithSelections and GetMarketInformation

Added raceGrade output parameter to GetEventSubTreeNoSelections, GetEventSubTreeWithSelections and GetMarketInformation.

Changes made to GetPrices

Added homeTeamScore, awayTeamScore, scoreType, selectionOpenInterest, marketWinnings, marketPositiveWinnings, lastMatchedAgainstSideAmount, matchedForSideAmountAtSamePrice, matchedAgainstSideAmountAtSamePrice, firstMatchAtSamePriceOccurredAt, numberOrders and numberPunters output parameters to GetPrices.

Date: 14 Oct 2011 (2.0.20)
Changes made to GetPrices

Added wantMarketMatchedAmount, wantSelectionsMatchedAmounts and wantSelectionMatchedDetails input parameters and matchedMarketForStake, matchedMarketAgainstStake, lastMatchedOccurredAt, lastMatchedPrice and lastMatchedForSideAmount output parameters to GetPrices.

Date: 29 Jul 2011 (2.0.19)
Changes made to the retrieval of Postings

Added transactionId to ListAccountPostings output. New method added ListAccountPostingsById.

Date: 17 Jan 2011 (2.0.18)
Removed virtual selection support

Removed virtual selection support from GetEventSubTreeWithSelections, GetMarketInformation and GetPrices

Date: 12 Aug 2010 (2.0.17)
Added optional output parameters to GetOrderDetails

Added optional output parameters wasMake, grossSettlementAmount and orderCommission to GetOrderDetails

Added output parameters to ListBootstrapOrders and ListOrdersChangedSince

Added output parameters totalForSideMakeStake, totalForSideTakeStake, punterCommissionBasis, makeCommissionRate, takeCommissionRate, grossSettlementAmount, orderCommission to ListOrdersChangedSince.

Added output parameters totalForSideMakeStake, totalForSideTakeStake, punterCommissionBasis, makeCommissionRate, takeCommissionRate, grossSettlementAmount to ListBootstrapOrders.

Date: 9 Jun 2010 (2.0.16)
Added MatchedOrderID to API call

Added matchedOrderID output parameter to GetOrderDetails

Date: 10 Mar 2010 (2.0.15)
Added Play Market flags to API calls

Added optional wantPlayMarkets input parameter to ListTopLevelEvents, GetEventSubTreeNoSelections and GetEventSubTreeWithSelections

Added isPlayMarket output parameter to GetEventSubTreeNoSelections, GetEventSubTreeWithSelections, GetMarketInformation and GetPrices

Added wantSettledOrdersOnUnsettledMarkets to ListBootstrapOrders

Added optional wantSettledOrdersOnUnsettledMarkets input parameter to ListBootstrapOrders

Date: 9 Apr 2009 (2.0.14)
Added cancelOnInRunning, cancelIfSelectionReset and isCurrentlyInRunning to API calls

Added output parameters cancelOnInRunning, cancelIfSelectionReset and isCurrentlyInRunning to ListOrdersChangedSince and ListBootstrapOrders

Added placePayout to API calls

Added optional placePayout output parameter to GetEventSubTreeNoSelections, GetEventSubTreeWithSelections, GetMarketInformation and GetPrices

ListBootstrapOrders will return suspended orders

Date: 20 Nov 2008 (2.0.13)
Added postingCategory, handle <Market> to ListAccountPostings

Date: 9 Oct 2008 (2.0.12)
Get the current maximum selectionSequenceNumber. This API provides the initial sequence number for use by ListSelectionChangedSince.

Added punterReferenceNumber to API calls
Added punterReferenceNumber to GetOrderDetails, ListBootstrapOrders, ListOrdersChangedSince, CancelAllOrders, CancelAllOrdersOnMarket, CancelOrders, SuspendAllOrders, SuspendAllOrdersOnMarket, SuspendOrders, PlaceOrdersWithReceipi, PlaceOrdersNoReceipt.

Date: 18 Sept 2008 (2.0.11)
Obtains the current odds ladder. It is recommended that clients dynamically obtain the odds ladder (as opposed to hard-coding it) as the odds ladder may periodically change, which could cause clients that have hard-coded the odds ladder to stop working correctly. The odds ladder returned identifies the only prices at which orders should be placed. It does not necessarily mean that prices returned (from GetPrices) will only contain those prices (it is possible that for short periods after a change in the odds ladder additional prices may be returned).

Date: 22 Aug 2007 (2.0.10)
Added WantVirtualSelections (Boolean). Indicates whether or not prices for virtual selections are to be returned. Values are: true – return prices for all selections regardless of whether or not the selection is a virtual selection and false: ignore (return no information about or prices on) selections that are virtual selections. If parameter is not specified a value of true is assumed. This parameter is optional to enable API clients to execute unchanged after this property was introduced.

GetMarketInformation, GetEventSubtreeWithSelections
Added IsFlipped (Boolean) and ShadowSelectionID (Long). IsFlipped value is true meaning the selection is flipped (‘for’ orders on this selection appear as ‘against’ orders on the real selection) and false meaning the selection is not flipped (‘for’ orders on this selection appear as ‘for’ orders on the real selection. ShadowSelectionId is the ID of the underlying real selection.

Date: 16 Jul 2007 (2.0.9)
PlaceOrdersWithReceipt, PlaceOrdersWithReceipt
The API v2 was not getting right the WithdrawlRepriceOption parameter, taking another value than the specified one. A fix was included to ensure WithdrawlRepriceOption works properly.

Date: 25 Apr 2007 (2.0.8)
A fix was included to ensure you can place FillAndKill or FillOrKill orders for inrunning markets. In release 2.0.7 a bug introduced was not allowing to place FillAndKill or FillOrKill orders for inrunning markets.

Date: 16 Apr 2007 (2.0.7)
PlaceOrdersNoReceipt, PlaceOrdersWithReceipt
From now on all the orders with unmatching withdrawalSequenceNumber will get return code 136 invalidWithdrawalSequenceNumber. It Means that if the ExpectedWithrawalSequenceNumber in the request does noth match with the market WithdrawalSequenceNumber, we will get return code 136. This return code is not an acceptable one so if we get one 316 on one of our orders, no orders will be placed at all.

Added secure method RegisterHeartbeat

Added secure method ChangeHeartbeatRegistration.

Added secure method DeregisterHeartbeat.

Added secure method Pulse.

Added secure method SuspendFromTrading.

Added secure method UnsuspendFromTrading.

Added secure method SuspendOrders.

Added secure method SuspendAllOrdersOnMarket.

Added secure method SuspendAllOrders.

Added secure method UnsuspendOrders.

Date: 22 March 2007 (2.0.6)
A hack was included to always place orders with cancelIfSelectionReset set to true, it will ignore the value sent by the client. This implies that the orders will be cancelled when the market turns inrunning as a reset is made at onrunning

A fix was included to force the user to specify cancelOnInrunning, cancelIfSelectionReset and withdrawRepriceOption when fillOrKillDontCancel by returning invalid parameters if one of this attributes is not setted.

Date: 28 Feb 2007 (2.0.5)
A fix was included to not return any prices when the market is not active, and return returnCode: MarketNeitherSuspendedNorActive.
A fix was included to have a maximum request limit of 500.

A fix was included to have a maximum request limit of 500.

Date: 14 Feb 2007 (2.0.4)
Added timestamps in all responses

Added TotalMatchedAmount to the response object.

A Fix was included to solve problems with expirity time.
A Fix was included to solve problems associated with killType(in version 2.0.3 it was placing it like a normal order).

Date: 05 Feb 2007 (2.0.3)
Added a return code per order.
When a market is neither suspended nor active you will receive no prices and a return code 016 MarketNeitherSuspendedNorActive.

Added PuntereferenceNumber to the request and the response.
Added wantAllOrNothingBehaviour attribute to the request .
Changed the response object in order to return one return code per order(for acceptable return codes).
Added attributes to the request options in order to specify killType options.

Added PuntereferenceNumber to the request and the response.
Added an orderhandle attribute to the response, previously returned as selectionId. The selectionId attribute is deprecated.

Added wantDirectDescendentsOnly attribute to the request object.

CancelOrders, CancelAllOrders, CancelAllOrdersOnMarket
Added cancelledForSideStake attribute to the response object.

Date: 13 Dic 2006 (2.0.2)
Added the secure method ListBlacklistInformation

Added WithdrawlRepriceOption parameter to placeOrdersNoReceipt method

Changed the transaction description in the response, in order to return the orderID reference for the transaction

Date: 10 Nov 2006 (2.0.1)
Release of the API v2.0 site